In store we supply and advise you about supplements such as blocks, molasses based licks (including M8U) and feeds to help manage the nutritional needs of your herd.We can also advise on and supply ingredients or concentrates to make up your own feeds or licks.
As some people may not know, NRM (Nebo Rural Milling) is our in house milling company, where we make our own dry lick. We create and carry a standard range of licks which are displayed below, otherwise the licks can be customized to suit your cattle, your country and your current pasture conditions to supply the nutrients that your stock require. We will work with you to adjust the lick to manage intakes so that your lick budget can be managed, still while getting the best benefits for your stock. All licks are checked by our in house nutritionist to ensure suitability to the conditions that they are being used under. To understand more about the specific licks we stock, click the pictures below.